Navigating 2024’s Unique Year-End Fundraising Landscape

Published: July 22, 2024


I’ve written about year-end planning often, including this post offering messaging strategies to leverage matching gifts and this one on prioritizing major donors. All of those recommendations still apply this year, but 2024 is going to be different because of the Nov. 5th election. 

Whether your mission is steeped in advocacy and the outcome of the election is pivotal to your mission, or you’re further removed with a focus that isn’t related to policies or government, your donors are likely to be distracted and preoccupied this fall. 

What does this mean for you? It’s more important than ever that you have a clear strategy and solid plan in place this year.

Below, I share approaches to get in sync with your donors and prospects. In a second post coming soon, we’ll share tips that go deeper and build on these recommendations in your engagement and messaging.

Scenario-Based Messaging

Incorporate Pre-Election Optimism

Focus on the potential for positive change, highlighting your organization's plans and goals if the election outcome is favorable. Use phrases like "With your support, we can achieve more" or "Help us be ready to seize the moment."

Have a Post-Election Contingency

Prepare messages for different election outcomes. If the results are unfavorable, emphasize the need for resilience and continued effort: "We need your support to achieve our mission and provide support to those who will be most impacted.

Mission-Centric Messaging

Highlight Core Values

Regardless of the election outcome, focus on your nonprofit’s core values and long-term mission. Highlight the ongoing need for support to sustain essential programs and services.

Share Impact Stories

Increase efforts to Share compelling stories that illustrate the impact of the organization's work, making the case that support is critical no matter who wins the election.

Urgency and Relevance

Send Time-Sensitive Appeals

At certain points leading up to the election, you may want to emphasize the urgency of the moment: "Your donation today can help us prepare for whatever the future holds.” While these messages aren’t strictly part of “year-end,” they are reinforcing your values which will remind your donors and prospects about your important role and mission (which may help as they are considering where to give in December!).

Stay Relevant with Current Events

Tie fundraising appeals to current events and issues heightened by the election, making the case for why the organization’s work is particularly relevant now. If your mission is not advocacy-based, you still may want to reference that it is “A busy time in our country with a lot of important issues to consider” to make it clear you understand they’re busy but still want to share updates about your work.

Inclusive Messaging

Have a Broad Appeal

Craft messages that appeal to a wide range of supporters, avoiding overly partisan language while still acknowledging the stakes of the election. While you think you may know your donors’ affiliations, there are many multi-affiliated couples and families so try to stay above the fray while focusing on your mission

Reflect a Unified Effort

Emphasize the importance of unity and collective action, appealing to donors' sense of community and shared purpose. No matter your mission, nothing in this country will be solved by one person or one organization. Reinforce this message as you highlight the work your nonprofit is doing.

Data-Driven Personalization

Tailor Your Messages

Use donor data to segment your audience and create personalized messages that resonate with different donor groups, based on their giving history and engagement levels.

Automate Where You Can

Set up automated emails and messages triggered by donor behaviors, such as previous donations, event attendance, or engagement with content. Stay focused on your mission while you’re highlighting how certain activities may impact your cause.

I’d love to hear how you’re planning for 2024 Year-End. Drop me an email here or find me on Linked In

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